Toxic Bonds is a global network of organisations and social movements that call on financial institutions to deny debt to companies expanding fossil fuels and align their business practice with a clean energy transition.
Members of the Toxic Bonds Network include

The Toxic Bonds Network helps track – and stop – the trillions of dollars of fossil fuel bonds that are financing the climate crisis. To limit global warming to 1.5 degrees there is no room for new fossil fuel projects.
The course of action therefore is clear: financial institutions must deny debt to expansionary fossil fuel companies.
Toxic Bonds connects and coordinates social movements, NGOs, Indigenous communities, climate-concerned investors, and other allies. We provide research and strategy, support campaigns with resources, and coordinate diverse networks of organisations and individuals for a common purpose.
We know that only by increasing pressure on customers, employees, peer companies, and in the media will these fossil fuel backers take the bold and visionary steps necessary to save humanity from the climate emergency.
Interested in learning more about the Toxic Bonds Network?
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